Visit us at:

  • 4950 Karl Rd.Columbus, OH 43229

Talk to us:

nurse and senior man are smiling

Skilled and Non-Skilled Nursing

We will take care of your more complex needs through our skilled services.

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caregiver and senior man are smiling together

Homemaker Services

Our homemaker services aim to help you manage your household chores.

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senior woman reading the book and caregver listening

Care to Mental Health Patients

Our dedicated team works hard to promote your overall wellness.

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caregiver feeding senior man

Home Health Aide Services

Our home health aides can assist you in your day-to-day living.

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male instructor demonstrate how to cpr

View More Services

Discover more about the services we can provide for you.

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Welcome to ProCare Home Health LLC

Every person goes through a different set of challenges in their lives. So, whether you’re facing difficulties because of aging, disabilities, brain injuries, dementia, or Parkinson’s, we will always be here to help you in every step of the way. We will make sure to provide you with extra care and assistance in your day-to-day living, keeping you safe and happy in the comfort of your own homes. With the help of our compassionate and dedicated team of professionals, we guarantee your overall health and peace of mind.

caregiver and senior couple having a conversation
the instructor demonstrate the cpr

about our company Mission Statement

Our mission is to improve and enhance our clients' home health care experience by delivering compassionate and high-quality services so they can live their best lives at home every day. We seek to enrich their lives and everyone who's involved in the communities we serve.

Send Us a Message

We would like to hear from you. Please send us your suggestions, recommendations, and feedback.

Get Started

Start your home health care journey with us today!

nurse, little boy and senior man are smiling

Insurance Accepted

Know more about the insurance plans we accept.

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caregiver reading the book and smiling senior woman listening

Schedule an Assessment

Set your appointment with us today!

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caregiver and senior woman are smiling

Submit Your Referrals

Please recommend someone you know who needs extra care and support.

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